Dear traveler,

I’m writing this on the go, at a port, about to leave for somewhere new. But before, I’m sharing with you what I find most useful on any new adventure, abroad and at home. I’m hoping it might be of help to you too. Forgive me for the randomness of these lessons, but I’m leaving soon, so this will do for now.

If there’s one thing you take from this letter, let it be this: Remember that everything is possible with each new adventure, no matter where you are.

On your journey, all the inspiring people you’ll meet, you can be like them, in all their positive ways. The passionate, the daring, the adventurous. You can be those people too, and you can also inspire others.

Learn from those people that inspire you, and from everyone you meet on your journey. There’s a reason why we meet all people in our life, no matter how short. Sometimes you won’t know immediately what’s the reason. It’s ok. Look for the positive reasons why you meet each person. Maybe it’s something that you needed to know about yourself, or a new perspective on the world. At the very least, maybe they show you how you don’t want to be. By getting good at this, every person you meet will be a valuable teacher.

Be open-minded and curious and kind to others on your journey. Smile, say hi. Plant friendship seeds wherever you go. One smile here, one hello there. Like this, you’ll be planting the seeds. At any point, they can blossom into friendships, partnerships, or even new opinions, perspectives, and lessons that can change your life forever.

Sometimes people will act and behave different from what you expect. Have compassion. On your journey, you will meet very different people from you. Different beliefs, values, desires, and fears. Expect the best from them and be compassionate when they don’t align with what you think is right or wrong.

It’s true, some people will try to take advantage of you for their own benefit. Accept that this can happen, but remain open and positive about people. If it happens, let it go, and don’t let it get to your heart. The way people treat you, and for that matter, treat others, says more about them that it will ever say about you. With that, know that if you look for kind people, you will find kind people. The same goes the opposite way, so always make sure you look for the right type.

When meeting others on your journey, look pass physical appearance to find deeper beauty. You will meet beautiful people physically everywhere you go. Appreciate that beauty, and look pass it. In the end, it’s only flesh and bones, a vehicle for what’s inside. In that way, be unimpressed by physical beauty, engage with it to go deeper.

You have the power to get out there, take risks, do the things you dream. That power is within you, and it’s most present while travelling. Maintain it and encourage it at home too. Don’t be trapped thinking that back home you’ll have to lead a life you don’t want. Don’t go there. Learn to live you best life in one only place, too.

On any journey, live each day as it was your last. This will ultimately be true. Each day could be your last. No one has life guaranteed. Plan for the future, but also, don’t leave the things you want to do in life for when you are old.

Enjoy the most popular destinations and experiences on your journey, but dare to explore less traveled paths, specially if they speak to you. It’s ok if no one you know goes there, or even understands why you want to go there. Learn about what you love on your journey and be bold to follow your path.

With each new experience you encounter, be welcoming and grateful for it. This will take you a long way. Learn to say by heart in all the places you go: “hello” and “thank you”. Wherever you go, approach it as any new journey, with excitement, curiosity, openness, and kindness.

Everything in your journey will eventually work out for the better. You have all the tools you need within you to solve whatever happens. Sometimes things won’t go as planned, obstacles will arise, but know that you can handle everything that comes your way. Knowing this, there’s no need to worry about things going wrong. Be prepared, and be willing to improvise.

It’s not about how many places you visit, but fully living each place. If you can, opt to experience less places more, instead of packing your itinerary full. Give yourself time to wonder, explore, experience a place. The most beautiful and impactful things can happen in the less expected places. Open yourself for the unexpected moments. A tight schedule won’t allow this, it’s just moving in a hurry.

That’s all I have for you now. My ship is sailing, my bags packed. Ready to go, on to the next adventure.

Until we meet again, wherever that is.

Hello and thank you,

Camilo Mazo